The office got a refresh, and I am LOVING it. I wanted to give you a peek into the process and links to the shelves I found. I've wrestled with this office for years, and I think we've finally landed on something that combines both form and function. (praise lol)
+ To start, here are the specs:
10 ft x 6 ft (yes, it's tiiiiiiiny)
One built-in closet
Previously housed a twin bed, but it was finally time to let it go in order to maximize card storage space
+ You may remember my last attempt to squeeze storage space out of the closet (while desperately trying to keep the bed)
I had Tommy install these shelves, which were wonderful, but I quickly out grew them.
+ I decided to go all-in and make this space a true workspace
We floated the idea of moving for a while, but after much discussion, we decided to hang here for another year. That being the case, I knew I finally needed to commit to this office as my workspace. Meaning: shelving
I bought this IVAR shelf from IKEA earlier in the year (seen below), and loved the idea of ordering new shelves from the same collection.
+ And here is the space with the new three-section version
+Aaaaand the final product
I shared the details of my shipping station, printing station, and backstock closet over on Instagram! You can find those clips in my BTS highlight ;)
xoxo, jess